PT Megayasa Teknologi Indonesia

Is a well established company providing her customers with a comprehensive range of telecommunication systems and services throughout the regions.

The increasing trust that her customers are placing is the ability of the company to provide a comprehensive one stop service solution from system design consultancy, material procurement, detail engineering design, project management and execution, system installation, system commissioning, field services, and maintenance of the deployed system.

FEED (Front-end Engineering Design)

Welcome! We’re excited to have you discussion with our team. For your upcoming discussion, we want to ensure you’re adequately prepared for each step of the process. Front-end Engineering Guide Our engineering process consists of the following:

  • First planning discussion with our sales engineer
  • One system design discussion with our engineering team
  • Management discussion between related parties

And then become a values discussion to fully understand which stage of the discussion process you’re in and what’s expected, we recommend thoroughly reviewing each email your coordinator sends.

Basic Engineering Design

Basic Engineering Design refers to the bonded information that is required to perform the detail engineering design of the projects. Basic Engineering Design is normally required by the plant owner to produce & complete their Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Commissioning tender package. Basic Engineering Design also can be used for further assessment by plant owner for internal discussion and evaluation to recognize the feasibility of the project.

Site supervision

Site supervision is general direction, coordination and supervision of work processes on site. In particular, supervision of layout, installation and termination at the project site, all of them should be follow the drawing and project schedule.

Fabrication and Assembly

Fabrication involves the creation of parts from manufactured device materials, while manufacturing also includes the process of assembling those parts into finished products. Fabrication involves assembly of different parts to form a finished product using one or more individual processes. fabrication refers to the device of the telecommunication or instrument system by assembling included installation and termination processes.

Testing Commissioning

Testing and Commissioning Our highly trained and experienced engineers will conduct testing and commissioning on all installed systems and equipment, to ensure that system operability and integrity meet all stringent customer and regulatory requirements.

System Integration

Integrated system is an important process in the field of technology, which functions as a basis for integrating one, two, three or more systems so that they function well and harmoniously. In essence, this approach revolves around the orchestration of various systems that can be integrated, such as LAN PABX devices, PAGA system devices, CCTV devices and others devices, into an integrated system.

A Factory Acceptance Test

This is a way to ensure that equipment systems being purchased meet the agreed upon design specifications. This happens before arriving at the customer’s plant, however, for complex systems with high integration, tests may need to be performed at Workshop. AcceptanceTests allow any issues to be corrected or ajusted with customer needed to preventing any potential miss result form the customer’s plan and to improving the general quality of the equipment system that will delivered to the customer. Delivery of the performed FAT documentation package including:

  • Performed FAT documents
  • As built drawings
  • Internal box or Cabinet ventilation setting.
  • Main equipments data sheets.
  • Materials certificates/data sheets.
  • Hot test for dispensing systems.
  • Certificate of compliance.
  • Instruments calibration certificates.
  • Maintenance and User’s manual.
  • Recommended spare parts list.
A Site Acceptance Test

A Site Acceptance Test is a process in which a Equipments System is tested and accepted at the customer's site. The purpose of the SAT is to ensure that the Equipments system or Integration system has been properly installed and configured and is ready for operation. This Site Acceptance Test will include the following:

  • Finishing Visual check
  • Main components visual check
  • Internal box or Cabinet ventilation setting.
  • Utilities functionality and setting check.
  • Functionality/Interlocks Verification.
  • Hot test for dispensing systems.
  • Calibrator verification.
  • Safety devices and interlocks check.
  • Operator’s training.